justin is changed :"(

Rabu, 01 Juni 2011

ini gue ngutip sih dr acc twitter beliebers gituuu namanya @JBIIndonesia
tapi gue setuju banget apa kata dia tuh

"Justin is changed alot. I mean, I didn't judge him. But, from the fact, he's changed because of Selena. I know, he cares his fans alot. And I also know, he's in love with girl named Selena Marie Gomez. But he loved her too much. And, Selena changed him to started to didn't care to fans, maybe also to the world. Example, in Billboard Music Awards, Justin KISSED Selena's LIPS in front of his mom, the all of the audience, the camera and also the paparazzi. Did he think about his fans heart? Yeah. Almost 10 million beliebers in this world must be so dissapointed and so broken hearted. I know he's growing up and this is his first serious relationship. But, not that much. And, he said that, if he had a girlfriend, his fans would be the first to know. But, now? He lied to us. He didn't tell us that Selena is his girlfriend. He always said Selena is just his BESTFRIEND. I know, most of beliebers in this world wants Jaitlin back. Why? Because, Caitlin is more beautiful than Selena. And Caitlin doesn't change Justin like Selena does. 
Now, Its almost Jazmyn's bday. But, what did Justin do? He spend all the time in Hawaii with Selena. And, did you know? In Hawaii, they slept in the SAME room and bed. Hello? Is Gomez is your wife, Bieber? She just your GIRLFRIEND. Kay? Did the hotel didn't have another room for Gomez? F*ck you, B**ch!
And know, when Pattie sick, Sean was in Critical condition, and it's Jazmyn's bday. What did Justin do? He spent his time with Selena.
When Pattie slaped Selena, Justin even defend Selena.
Okay, I just wanna tell my opinion. No hates. Everyone have their own opinion, right? And, I don't wanna hurt Justin's feeling. Like I said before, I just wanna tell my opinion. As a belieber, I'm very dissapointed to Justin now. "

gue setuju banget tuh..
gue sebagai belieber kecewa juga sih justin berubah gitu
tapi emang orang pasti bakal berubah entah jadi lebih baik ataupun jadi lebih buruk
#prayforjustin hahaaha #justsayin #nohates
still to be beliebers guys :')
pround of him

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