this is what i feel (SOME MONTHS AGO)

Minggu, 20 Mei 2012

this is what i feel long time ago:p
i just wanna share it.
" honestly i miss you, but hhh im nothing for you.
yeah i knew it:"
did you miss me too?
i think NO
i miss our memories
i miss our conversation
i miss out late night texts
i miss your laugh
i miss your silly face
i miss your joke
i miss your smile
i miss all of you
i know im nothing and maybe you already forgot about me. nevermind:"
but no matter how hard i try to forget you, to move on but it ends with"MISS"
i miss you......
i wish i could meet you again, or text you again.
did u remember me?
i was your close friend when we were grade 8, but why are youchanged?
did u know? i miss your texts. really miss that
i miss... all of you
i know i really miss u when i got dreams about you, and then when i woke up i remember you....."

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